Crossover II

DAENERYS TARGARYEN (Game of Thrones): "Are you sure about this? She seems a little...well...."  TYRION LANNISTER (GoT): "Trust me, Khaleesi: This is perhaps the most important alliance you will ever make."  ~  *Dany with Edna Mode (The Incredibles), in Edna's lab viewing super suit being blasted by flame throwers* EDNA: "'Can withstand a temperature of over 1,000 degrees!.."

My fan theory is that in a surprise late upstart, with Dany and Jon busy up North introducing the White Walkers to a spot of dragon magic, Edna will swoop in to usurp Little Finger and take the Iron Throne, and she'll just be so bad ass that everyone will just go with it...

It's also nice to do a Game of Thrones comic, cause it makes a lovely excuse to share these delightful little sketches I doodled as a Studio Crit 'Happy Place' exercise last year...

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