
*Pock!      Pock!  Pock! Pock! Pock, Pock! Po-Po-Pock!*
*pad pad pad pad pad*

*Pock!      Pock!  Pock! Pock! Pock, Pock! Po-Po-Pock!*
*pad pad pad pad...*

*Grooaan. 'Is it 5:00  already?'

As a general rule, I try not to base my characters too literally in reality, but in this case I have to make an exception. Internet, meet Furrgus, my parents' deaf, kinda-legitimately-mentally-deficient, extroverted-in-a-needy-canine-way, people-food-loving, rescue cat. His skills start and end at the ability to pick up and carry a ping pong ball in his mouth and the mastery of an audible full-bodied putty flop. I cannot confirm whether he plays this game when I'm not home, but I do know he literally and reliably only ever plays it at 5:00 in morning, pretty nearly on the dot.

Jet Lag

After four and a half years of architecture school, my circadian rhythms work fine; they're just set to cycle on 36 hour days...


*carriage labeled 'Hammock Car'* How is this not a thing?

My tailbone wants to know after that red-eye on Monday.
Seriously Amtrak, you're just so close on this one!..


Though, to be fair, it's his own fault: Everyone know's you paint the work boots the day before the event... 


So I really felt the need to come up with some original, sleep-deprived crit joke to help me cope, but all I could think of was that stupid fake "painted eyes" gag

So pretty much when I draw during crit, it's to keep me awake: Generally its pretty effective, but I recon I hit a new low today when I jerked awake, pencil in hand, and realized the background characters on the left were somewhat darker than I was originally intending... #sleepshading...


I think I you're honest with yourself, you'll admit this was bound to happen sooner or later...

I think what this comic revealed, more than anything else, is that I really have no concept of the logistics of a fruit-hat... 


I'd say this is pretty definitive proof America has no clue what gluten actually is...

I'm no expert, but gluten is basically the stuff in flour that holds stuff together, so a good general rule of thumb is if you're  drinking it, and its not gravy, its probably OK on the GF front...


hmm... Somehow this feels a lot less macho than that riddle w/ all the wolves & sheep...

Though, I suppose to be completely fair, it's hard to get much more macho than sitting alone with a wolf in a boat that's so small it literally can't even take the addition of a cabbage without sinking...